Tuesday, March 27, 2012

At the BAO 2012 part 1

   I was excited going into this trip as last years event was awesome and with the new mission formats I knew this years BAO was going to be 7 challenging games of 40K in a very competitive environment. I know allot of people didn't like the location but I brought an Ice chest with beer, had a picnic, the place was very green friendly, and I loved it. All the usual suspects/random 40K Internet celebs were there and there were lots of familiar faces all around. The room was full of energy and tingling with anticipation when they released the first pairings. First match up was against Chaos Deamons!

Game 1

   The first match was against Britton who had a very well painted (it was up for best painted) all Slanesh Chaos Deamon army. This was a full on assault Deamon army with no shooting at all which is a pretty bad match up for Orks. His list was 2 Deamon Princes of Slanesh, 2 Keeper of secrets, 3X 6 fiends, and the rest of his points in 5-(6) woman Deamonettes units. Deployment was Dawn of war. He won the first turn roll and gave it to me. He rolled and got his preferred wave which was 1 prince, 1 keeper, 2X fiends, and 3 Deamonette units. I walked everything on first turn and set up good cover and firring angles for the Lootas. When he came on he had some pretty bad scatters which gave me some shooting but not enough. His fiends, Prince, and Keeper were all up in my face and the Deamonettes were on the opposite corner of the board. My Nobs and Ghaz were half way up the field and made the mistake of heading back towards the Keeper and Prince. They should have head for the Deamonettes and took on the princes that deep struck there but I tied them up all game. I let him whittle my fragile troops down with his  high initiative and massive amounts of attacks almost tabling me. He knew his army and played well, I lost my first game.

Game 2

   After my loss at the hands of the Deamons I was out casted to the lower tables for a match against Thunderingjove's  (over on DakkaDakka) Orks. He was drinking whisky and offered but I don't really drink. He was running 2 warbosses (one on a bike and one in mega armour), 3 biker nobs, 3 trukks full o'boys, a trukk with 5 mega nobs (with Warboss), 7 kommandos and Snickrot (biker boss), 2 X 3 rokkit buggies, and 2 skorcha buggies in a unit. All the buggies and trukks were the old models so they were all very tiny. The deployment was spearhead and I won the roll to go first. I turbo boosted for a first turn assault on the side of one of his Rokkit buggie squads (which whiffed in assault and shooting). I moved all three wagons forward but immobilized Ghaz and the Nobs wagon on a small wall (which I couldn't repair).  Loota fire took out a skorcha buggie. He goes fast as far as he can and starts blocking my movement with armour 10 open topped rokkit buggies (???), he then layers another squad behind them, then the skorcha, and then 2 trukks of boys (again ???). He also turbo boosts bikers in front of ghaz's immobilized wagon Going so fast he has no shooting and he thinks he's blocking the deffrolling battle wagons. I proceed to tank shock and blow up all the buggies (all 3 units), blow up the 2 trukks and kill half the boys units (all in the moevment phase). I kill 1 biker nob with shooting and wound the 2 others I also whittle down his troops a little and still cannot repair Ghaz's wagon. He goes and Snikkrot comes in with the biker boss and sets up a charge around the Immobilized wagon. he calls his waaagh and proceeds to surround Ghaz's wagon but rolls bad for his run and leaves a 3 inch gap on one side. he wrecks it but there is just enough room to put 3 nobs and Ghazz out of the wagon as the rest died. Most of the game from here was clean up as most of his punch and mobility was gone. with the mega nobs going down to boys assaults, and the rest of his boys going down to shootas. I tipped my hat to the man for the game and finally had a shot with him. he had one unit in the back holding his cap n' control objective so I get a win with 2 victory conditions. The slow climb begins.

          To be Continued.....

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